
Happy New Year!

As we begin 2017, I want to thank those who have faithfully supported the work and given encouragement and wisdom. God has used so many this last year to keep the work going. I was able to spend time in Haiti with Daniel Jean Baptiste and Joe Mulroney training pastors and church leaders, visiting schools and churches in the area, and hearing the heart of our brothers and sisters as they speak about sharing the hope of Christ with their people.

Franklin came to visit and gave us an update on the work in India. They have been through a severe drought and times are hard. Pray that they can endure the physical hardships as they continue to care for the children in the orphanage. More children want to come, but funds are limited. He continues working with the church and the prison ministry, as well as working a full time job to support the work. I am amazed at his industrious nature and heart for the people around him. Pray for these outstanding servants of God and their families and churches as they work together to shout the message of hope from the rooftops.

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